
Suspendisse condimentum dolor quis finibus aliquam. Donec blandit velit leo. Nulla pellentesque, enim id placerat facilisis, libero elit molestie mauris, quis cursus quam ligula in dolor. Fusce a leo quis metus aliquet hendrerit a ac purus. Duis non purus dapibus, lacinia felis eget, tempor nibh. Nunc euismod leo…

Kevin Kirchman caught the European Space Agency red-handed. The ESA tried to pull the wool over our eyes by reporting record temperatures. How did they do this? The ESA switched the temperature reporting standards from two meters above land surface to land surface. The ESA reportedly explained that…

We are told to unquestioningly believe that mankind is solely responsible for so-called climate change. To ask any questions is said to be anti-science. But skewering people for asking questions about a scientific matter is anti-science. The climate change chest beaters are clearly becoming unhinged. The face of…

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