Defending Democracy


Virtual Conference


October 4, 2024

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“Accuse your opponent of what you are doing…to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt.” So wrote Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals.

Democrats have zealously implemented these rules for radicals by:

  • Blaming Donald Trump for colluding with Russia. It turns out that an FBI agent that investigated Trump was sentenced to four years in prison for colluding with the Russians.
  • Impeaching Donald Trump for interfering with Ukraine’s internal anti-corruption probes. However, it was then Vice-President Joe Biden that threatened to withhold $1 billion in funding from Ukraine unless the prosecutor who was investigating Burmisa Holdings (of which Hunter Biden was a director) was fired. (Listen to Joe Biden here.)
  • Holding Donald Trump responsible for the assembly on January 6. In so doing, Donald Trump became the first politician in modern US history to have been charged with a crime for giving a speech where he explicitly told supporters to be peaceful. No American politician had ever been held criminally responsible for actions by his supporters (FBI instigation notwithstanding).

From The Democrat Party Playbook...

Judge Merchan is overseeing the “hush money case.”
His daughter worked for Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.
Judge Merchan threatened to derive Trump of a jury if he doesn’t remain gagged.


"If we could just jail Trump, get rid of MAGA, end the Electoral College, pack the Supreme Court, ban voter ID, and censor free speech, we could save democracy."

- Woke rhetoric

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So, now, the Democrats claim that they must save Democracy by:

  • Gagging, condemning to a courtroom, and sentencing the candidate from the other major party.
  • Investigating, censoring, deplatforming and debanking outspoken supporters of the Republican Presidential candidate.
  • Weaponizing the Justice Department and FBI as instrumentalities of the Democrat party. Some of these government agents have been tasked with strongarming the media and intimidating Trump supporters.
  • Maneuvering to end the electoral college and to remove Donald Trump from electoral ballots.
  • Scheming to pack the Supreme Court.
  • Vetoing legislation that would ban illegal immigrants from voting.
  • Violating election law by deputizing the Small Business Administration to register Democrat voters.
  • Ignoring a recent Supreme Court decision barring the buying of votes through student loan debt forgiveness.
  • Lying about their former presidential candidate’s inability to discharge the duties of the president.
  • Ousting their own candidate who duly won 14 million votes in Democrat primaries as their candidate for President of the United States.


Don’t miss our Defending Democracy conference. This Davos in the Desert conference will take place virtually on October 4, 2024.

Morning Session

Note:  All times Pacific Time.


7:20 am (PT) – Welcoming Remarks & Housekeeping

Speaker:   David Wanetick, CEO, Davos in the Desert


7:30 am – Globalization as a Threat to Democracy

Reggie Littlejohn, President, Anti-Globalist International
Meryl Nass, MD, Founder, Door to Freedom
Trevor Loudon, Author & Film Producer, The Enemies Within & The Enemies Within the Church


8:30 am – Contamination of the Judiciary

Linda Lee Denno, Associate Dean, University of Arizona
John Seiler, Opinion Writer, Multiple Publications


9:15 am – Coffee Break


9:30 amMainstream Media’s Subservience to the Democrat Party

Bryan Blehm, Founder, Blehm Law PLLC
Jesse Franklin-Murdock, Esq., Counsel, Dhillon Law Group


10:15 am – Lawfare: Removing Political Opponents Through Legal Means

Robert Gouveia,
Criminal Defense Attorney & Host of the Watching the Watchers
Joseph Sweeney, Author, Dangerous Injustice


11:30 am – Coffee Break


11:45 am – The Biden-Harris Political Prisoners

David Sumrall, Founder,


Agenda subject to change.

Afternoon Session

Note:  All times Pacific Time.


12:30 pm – Lunch Speaker:   Lawfare is Legal Malpractice

Speaker:   Jason Goodman, Host, Crowdsource the Truth


1:00 pm – The Weaponization of the 14th Amendment

John Eastman, Board Member, Claremont Institute


1:30 pm – Democrats War Against the Jews

Michael S. Goldstein, Esq., State of Arizona Director and General Counsel, Proclaiming the Justice to The Nations


2:30 pm – Democrat Disdain for Election Laws

Colonel (Ret.) Shawn Smith, Leader, Cause of America
Rachel Alexander, Editor, Intellectual Conservative


3:15 am – Coffee Break


3:30 pm The Trump Assassination Attempts

John Cullen, Investigator, IamJohnCullen


4:15 pm – Lies Democrats Tell

John Seiler,
Opinion Writer, Multiple Publications


4:45 pm – Never Underestimate the Mendacity of the Democrat Agenda

David Wanetick,
CEO, Davos in the Desert


5:30 pm – Interview with Daniel Street

Speaker:   Daniel R. Street, Partner, Street & Street


7:00 pm (PT) – Adjournment


Agenda subject to change.

Note:  All times Pacific Time.


7:20 am – Welcoming Remarks & Housekeeping

Speaker: David Wanetick, CEO, Davos in the Desert


7:30 am – Globalization as a Threat to Democracy

The World Health Organization insists on the right to deem just about anything a “health emergency.” The mere risk of pandemics, climate change, racism, inequality and gun violence could trigger the WHO into declaring states of emergency. Such proclamations threaten to result in the WHO superseding sovereignty. Once that happens, these unelected and unaccountable organizations could mandate people all over the world to inject unproven medicines into their bodies, impose strict censorship and to squash our freedoms. Learn the extent to which these supranational bodies are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.

Reggie Littlejohn,
President, Anti-Globalist International
Meryl Nass, MD,
Founder, Door to Freedom
Trevor Loudon,
 Author & Film Producer, The Enemies Within & The Enemies Within the Church


8:30 am – Contamination of the Judiciary

Congressional Democrats refused to fund additional security for the Supreme Justices so as to make it easier to riot outside of their homes and to invade their homes. The Biden-Harris Administration unrelentingly disparage and demean the Supreme Court and devalue that body by making nominations based on the intersection of race and gender, rather than intelligence and experience. They demonstrated its disdain for the Supreme Court when it ignored a recent ruling against its vote-buying scheme by way of forgiving student loans. Now, the Biden-Harris cabal are trying to emasculate the Supreme Court by imposing term limits on Supreme Justices as well as imposing a code of conduct on them. They may also be scheming to pack the Supreme Court with their woke nominations.

Linda Lee Denno, Associate Dean, University of Arizona
John Seiler,
Opinion Writer, Multiple Publications


9:15 am – Coffee Break


9:30 am – Mainstream Media’s Subservience to the Democrat Party

The so-called mainstream media seems determined to convince the public that it really is an extension of the Democrat Party. There is no unsupported accusation too bizarre against Republicans that the media will refrain from covering. In many instances, the mainstream media takes its marching orders directly from the White House. (So-called fact checking services are completely in sync with the woke narrative.) In the meantime, Democrat corruption, cocaine in the White House and Obama’s chef drowning to death are swept under the rug. As for bias in search engines, do a search for “Voting for Donald Trump” and Google is likely to ask if you meant “Donate to Kamala Harris.” Learn how the Harris campaign is using AI (not to mention free concerts and paid actors) to exaggerate the size of her crowds as well as how that campaign uses technology to manipulate headlines and social media feeds.

Bryan Blehm,
Founder, Blehm Law PLLC
Jesse Franklin-Murdock, Esq.,
Counsel, Dhillon Law Group

10:15 am – Lawfare: Removing Political Opponents Through Legal Means

Democrats have gone full-on Putin in trying to discredit, disbar, bankrupt and imprison Republican candidates and the lawyers that represent them. They unconstitutionally appointed a prosecutor to bring criminal charges against Donald Trump. Democrats refused to release 40,000 hours of exculpatory video footage and destroyed thousands of documents in their kangaroo January 6 proceedings. They resurrected the Statute of Limitations to enable litigation to proceed against Donald Trump. They sue him for denying charges brought against him. They select venues most hostile to Republicans and deny Donald Trump trial by jury. Their proceedings are adjudicated by judges who only contribute to Democrats. These judges require that defense counsels’ questions be approved beforehand. Democrat judges strike Trump’s responses from the record and issue gag orders galore during the height of the election season.

Robert Gouveia,
Criminal Defense Attorney & Host of Watching the Watchers
Joseph Sweeney, Author, Dangerous Injustice


11:30 am – Coffee Break


11:45 am – Political Prisoners

During the summer of 2020, over ten thousand protests erupted around the country, at least a thousand of which resulted in violent incidents. Police officers and innocent civilians were murdered. Shops were looted and burned. People were savagely attacked. Back when the United States still had bail, prominent Democrats like Kamala Harris helped raise $35 million to bail out these rioters. Today, pro-Hamas terrorists wreak havoc across the nation without consequence.

But innocent Americans who found themselves in the vicinity of the Capitol on January 6, 2021? Hundreds have been incarcerated for years without trial. The modus operandi is arrest first and then find evidence. No presumption of innocence. No due process. Limited rights to lawyers and frequent violations of attorney-client privilege. No right to a speedy trial. No bail. Extended tours in solitary confinement. At least five suicides have resulted from the inhumane treatment of Biden-Harris political prisoners. Years ago, even Elizabeth Warren said the political prisoners have had enough.

Those that riot day after day for Democrat-favored causes such as the eradication of Israel and the liquidation of Jews face almost no risk of arrest. On the other hand, on January 6, a grandmother was arrested simply for praying in the Capitol.

The message from Democrat enforcers is clear. Repress any Republican or conservative urges you may have or risk becoming a political prisoner. Arrests of those less than nominally involved in January 6 have crescendoed in 2024. Indeed, just about the only way that January 6 arrestees have been able to achieve some reprieve has been to disavow their political beliefs.

David Sumrall,

12:30 pm – Lunch Speaker:   Lawfare is Legal Malpractice

Jason Goodman, Host, Crowdsource the Truth


1:00 pm – The Weaponization of the 14th Amendment

Learn why Kamala Harris was ineligible to serve as Vice President and is ineligible to run for the Office of the President due to her failing the natural-born citizen requirement as provided by the 14th Amendment. Listen to how Democrats are scheming to invoke Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to prevent a duly elected Donald Trump from taking office.

John Eastman,
Board Member, Claremont Institute


1:30 pm – Democrats War Against the Jews

The vilest antisemitism since the 1930s in Germany has erupted all over the United States under the Biden-Harris administration’s watch. Tolerance to such Jew hatred is likely a function of antisemites in the executive branch (not to mention in some quarters in Congress) and the need for Democrats to monopolize the “Death to America / Death to Israel” vote. Imagine how a Republican president would have been characterized if such far-reaching antisemitism occurred during his term.

In addition to making America’s campuses and streets unsafe for Jews, the Biden-Harris administration has strong-armed Israel from responding to the October 7 attack, have curtailed weapons shipments to the Jewish state and have negotiated Israel’s future behind its back. The administration has also imposed unprecedented sanctions on Jews living in Israel who disagree with the administration’s policies.

Michael S. Goldstein, Esq.,
State of Arizona Director and General Counsel, Proclaiming the Justice to The Nations


2:30 pm – Democrat Disdain for Election Laws

It’s hard to find an election law that Democrats respect. They override their own rigged primaries. They dethrone their own candidates. They misappropriate $91 million in campaign funds. They deputize federal government agencies such as the Small Business Administration to augment their voter rolls. They push for H.R. 1, which would have abolished voter ID laws, allow same day registration and voting as well as bar the maintenance of accurate voter registration lists. Biden stated that he plans to dramatically dilute the power of rightful voters by vetoing the Safe Act which would block all non-citizens from voting.

Speaker:   Colonel (Ret.) Shawn Smith, Leader, Cause of America
Rachel Alexaner, Editor, Intellectual Conservative


3:15 am – Coffee Break


3:30 pm – The Trump Assassination Attempts

Democrats can’t beat Donald Trump in fair elections. Woke forces haven’t yet been able to jail or remove Trump from ballots. So, it looks like the Deep State conspired to assassinate the Republican Presidential candidate. For one thing, the FBI granted Pakistani hitman Asif Raza Merchant a “significant public benefit” parole, enabling him to try to execute an Iranian-backed assassination attempt on President Trump. The FBI granted this humanitarian parole despite its knowing that Merchant was flagged on a terrorism watchlist.

Trump’s repeated requests for additional protection were routinely denied. (The Biden regime long refused Robert Kenndey Jr. any Secret Service protection despite the assassinations of his father and uncle.) Even before his phone was analyzed, the FBI declared that 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks was a lone shooter. A lone shooter with income streams from around the world. A lone shooter who experienced three bullets whizzing past his ears before he fired a shot and was conveniently killed by sharpshooters. As should be expected, the Deep State is stonewalling the sham investigations.

ohn Cullen, Investigator, IamJohnCullen


4:15 pm – Lies Democrats Tell

Kamala Harris and the rest of the Biden regime mislead the American public about the extent of Joe Biden’s mental deterioration. They lie about their voting records and miliary service. They have the gall to name legislation designed to have a contrary impact, such as the Inflation Reduction Act. They lie about their lobbying on behalf of foreign governments. Joe Biden lied about being endorsed by the US Border Patrol on a live presidential debate. They regularly fabricate an association with whatever audience they happen to address. They plead ignorance when cocaine is found at the First Family’s living quarters in the White House.

John Seiler,
Opinion Writer, Multiple Publications


4:45 pm – Never Underestimate the Mendacity of the Democrat Agenda

This session summarizes the Democrat agenda in terms of its economic, social, judicial and foreign policies.

Democrats sow divisiveness and disunity throughout our society. They disrupt civil discourse and disband Republicans’ peaceful assembly. They are deprivers of due process. Disarmers of law-abiding citizens. Detonators of the nuclear family. Diluters of the value of the vote and defrauders of clean elections. Never underestimate the deviousness of these daughter douching and granddaughter disowning Democrats.

David Wanetick,
CEO, Davos in the Desert


5:30 pm – Interview with Daniel Street

Daniel R. Street, Partner, Street & Street


7:00 pm – Adjournment

Interested in Sponsoring This Event
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Please visit our GoFundMe page here to donate.

Any donations of $25 and above will receive an admissions ticket to listen to the Davos in the Desert Defending Democracy Virtual Conference on October 4, 2024.

Any donations of $35 and above will receive a link to listen to the Davos in the Desert Lockdown Nation virtual conference.

Any donations of $45 and above will receive a link to listen to the Davos in the Desert Get Trump virtual conference.

Claim Your Benefits:  After you make your contribution to our GoFundMe campaign, please provide us with your name and email address so that we can send you the links to the programs. 

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The Speakers

Reggie Littlejohn
John Seiler
Trevor Loudon
Meryl Nass
Colonel (Ret.) Shawn Smith
Michael Goldstein

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