Lockdown Nation Virtual Conference
February 5, 2024

It wasn’t that many years ago that citizens of democracies across the globe were commanded to shelter in-place, maintain social distancing and mask their faces. It could be a hell of a lot worse in the next go-round.
If globalists have their way, by 2030, we will be restricted from eating meat, limited in number of articles of clothing that we are allowed to purchase and blocked from traveling more than 15 minutes away from our homes.
The cult of ESG could be the harbinger of an irreversible era of Communist China-style credit scoring. Digital currencies, facial recognition and vaccine passports could enable the government to banish anyone who dares to refrain from complying with woke mandates.
And that’s not all. Globalists are using the hoax of climate change to depopulate the planet. So said, Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. John Clauser. Globalists such as Yoram Noah Hariri, an intellectual driving force at the World Economic Forum, are already ramping up anti-human propaganda by derisively referring to human beings as “worthless eaters” and “hackable animals.” When human life is so degraded, it becomes easier to put forth policies that end life.
Listen to the Lockdown Nation conference to learn what globalists have in store for you. Learn how to become active in preventing woke leaders from controlling (or ending) your life.

David Wanetick, CEO, Davos in the Desert

Karen Bracken, Founder, TN Citizens for State Sovereignty

Dr. Bonner Cohen, Senior Fellow, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

Ron Armstrong, President, Stand Up Michigan

Trevor Loudon, Author & Producer, “The Enemies Within” and “The Enemies Within the Church

Jeffrey Tucker, Founder & President, Brownstone Institute

Kevin Freeman, Producer & Host, Economic War Room & Author of Pirate Money

Hugh McCarthy, Member, Pandata and Collateral Global
Overview of Sessions
All times stated as Eastern Time.
9:00 am (ET) – Welcoming Remarks & Housekeeping
9:10 am – The Ultimate Goal of the Climate Change Hoax
There is no man-made climate change. This statement has been rigorously researched and will be defended in great detail. By claiming that every activity undertaken by society causes existential climate change, the purveyors of such fraud hold that they are saving humanity while demanding population reduction and lower standards of living.
Speaker: David Wanetick, CEO, Davos in the Desert
9:45 am – The World Health Organization’s Gambit to Micromanage Our Lives
The World Health Organization insists on the right to deem just about anything a “health emergency.” The mere risk of pandemics, climate change, racism, inequality and gun violence could trigger the WHO into declaring states of emergency. Such proclamations threaten to result in the WHO superseding sovereignty in order to force unproven medicines on us and to squash our freedoms. We will learn about how returning to informed consent can repel some of the severity of WHO mandates.
Reggie Littlejohn, Co-Founder, Sovereignty Coalition & President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers
Dr. David Bell, Senior Scholar, Brownstone Institute & Former Senior Medical Officer, World Health Organization
James Roguski, Researcher, Author and Observer of the Machinations at the WHO
11:00 am – China’s Disproportionate Influence on the World Health Organization: Why You Don’t Want CCP Authoritarianism Imposed on Your Country
Trevor Loudon, Author & Film Producer, The Enemies Within & The Enemies Within the Church
Ron Armstrong, President, Stand Up Michigan
11:45 am – Coffee Break
12:00 pm – What Life Might be Like in C40 Cities
In C40 cities, you won’t be allowed to own a car. You meat consumption will be restricted. Your purchases of clothing will be limited. Your travel will be regulated. And your freedom of movement beyond a 15-minute radius will be circumscribed.
Speaker: Karen Bracken, Founder, TN Citizens for State Sovereignty

According to the Council on Foreign Relations, the Chinese government has reportedly arbitrarily detained more than a million Muslims in reeducation camps since 2017. Most of the people who have been detained are Uyghur, a predominantly Turkic-speaking ethnic group primarily in China’s northwestern region of Xinjiang. Beyond the detentions, Uyghurs in the region have been subjected to intense surveillance, forced labor, and involuntary sterilizations, among other rights abuses.
Reuters journalists, observing satellite imagery, found that thirty-nine of the camps almost tripled in size between April 2017 and August 2018; they covered a total area roughly the size of 140 soccer fields. Researchers at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute identified more than 380 suspected detention facilities using satellite images. The Associated Press found that in one county in Xinjiang, an estimated one in twenty-five people had been sentenced to prison on terrorism-related charges, all of them Uyghurs.
12:30 pm (ET) – The United Nations’ Broken and Corrupted Moral Compass
The United Nations is a deeply flawed institution. It has come to be the promoter of repressive dictatorships. It is a fomenter of hate against Israel. It is complicit in Hamas’ terror against Israelis and Gazans. The UN charter has neither an amendment mechanism nor a withdrawal mechanism. It stonewalls attempts to investigate and rid its corrupt officials. For instance, there is no investigatory authority at the UN’s Human Rights Commission. Now, the UN is determined to censor dissenting voices throughout the world.
Peter Gallo, Former Investigator, United Nation’s Office of Internal Oversight Services & Director, Hear Their Cries
Jeffrey Tucker, Founder & President, Brownstone Institute
Patrick W. Wood, Founder & Director, Citizens for Free Speech
1:30 pm – Lunch
2:00 pm – Creating a Food Crisis as a Means of Controlling the Populace
Paying farmers and ranchers not to produce food. The threat of eminent domain. Restrictive energy policies result in skyrocketing fertilizer prices. An unprovoked war on Maine’s lobster fishermen. An avoidable baby food shortage. Government sanctioned snatch-and-grab crime waves results in food deserts.
Dr. Bonner Cohen, Senior Fellow, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow
Margaret Byfield, Executive Director, American Stewards of Liberty
2:45 pm – Controlling the Populace by Coming for the Children
A reign of terror has been waged against children and their parents. The filth of critical race theory. Hormone treatments. Gender reassignment surgeries. Hyper-sexualization of pre-schoolers. Failure to consent to the Mengalization of your children results in being deemed a domestic terrorist and the loss of custody of your children.
Speaker: Hugh McCarthy, Member, Pandata and Collateral Global
3:30 pm – Digital Currencies as a Threat to Our Freedom
The implementation of digital currencies will enable the government to track all of our movements and expenditures. Digital currencies could be used to ration food, limit our mobility and curtail our purchases on any product deemed to be harmful to the environment. Similar to China’s credit scoring system and the plight of Canadian truckers, those misbehaving could have their bank accounts frozen. No warnings. No appeals.
Speakers: Aaron Day, Former US Senate and Presidential Candidate
Kevin Freeman, Producer & Host, Economic War Room & Author of Pirate Money
4:20 pm (ET) – The Vulnerabilities of Telecommunications Systems
How vulnerable is America’s telecommunications systems to bad actors? Will the proliferation of 5G and the Internet of Things make our telecommunications systems more penetrable? How much of America’s telecommunications infrastructure originates from China? Is America’s telecommunications infrastructure weakened by flaws in foreign telecommunications infrastructure?
Speaker: Robert Johnson, CEO, EME Safety
4:50 pm – Wrap-Up
5:00 pm (ET) – Adjournment

Reggie Littlejohn, Co-Founder, Sovereignty Coalition & President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers

Dr. David Bell, Senior Scholar, Brownstone Institute & Former Senior Medical Officer, World Health Organization

Peter Gallo, Former Investigator, United Nation’s Office of Internal Oversight Services & Director, Hear Their Cries

James Roguski is a Researcher, Author and Observer of the Machinations at the WHO

Margaret Byfield, Executive Director, American Stewards of Liberty

Patrick W. Wood, Founder & Director, Citizens for Free Speech

Aaron Day, Former US Senate and Presidential Candidate