The Winners and Losers in the Race to Go Green with Henry Sanderson
The Winners and Losers in the Race to Go Green with Henry Sanderson

Producing the rare earth minerals necessary to build electric vehicles is not easy or inexpensive. Mining by nature is a dangerous business. Deadly accidents occur and long-term health issues arise from mining. Tremendous amounts of diesel fuel and electricity are used in mineral extraction. A bottleneck largely exists in getting these rare earth minerals to market as processing is expensive and is largely controlled by Chinese companies.

Listen to this podcast and gain insight into issues such as:

  • Which rare earth minerals are in abundant supply? Which rare earth minerals are extracted as byproducts of other mining activities?
  • What is being done to build more processing capacity throughout the world?
  • How viable is it to extract rare earth minerals from the depths of the oceans?
  • Are mineral rich countries more interested in charging royalties or requiring foreign mining companies to build infrastructure?
  • What kinds of post-mining obligations do mining companies have?

Guest Speaker:  Henry Sanderson, Author, Volt Rush: The Winners and Losers in the Race to Go Green

Henry covered commodities and mining for the Financial Times for seven years. Prior to that he lived and worked in Beijing, where he was a correspondent for Bloomberg.

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