The Weaponization of Medicine with Dr. Robert Malone
The Weaponization of Medicine with Dr. Robert Malone

Hundreds of brilliant researchers made heroic efforts to bring effective anti-COVID-19 vaccines to market in record time. Their valiant efforts should neither be underestimated nor forgotten.

However, there was also a lot of weird shit going on concurrently. Some might say some COVID policies were premeditated and maniacally evil. The tragic and avoidable loss of life resulting from anti-COVID policies should neither be understated nor forgotten.

The following are among the issues that Dr. Robert Malone discusses in connection with vaccines ostensibly designed to combat COVID-19:

  • The destruction of vaccination control groups, rendering long-term detection of vaccination safety issues impossible.
  • The clouded safety profile of vaccines in relation to pregnant women due to over-enrolling women in their third trimester of pregnancy.
  • The effort to seal data relating to vaccine deficiencies for 75 years and the vaccine manufacturers’ immunity from liability.
  • The effective banning of hydroxychloroquine despite its proven efficacy for more than 60 years.
  • The incentivizing of hospitals for dispending Remdesivir despite that drug’s toxicity levels being so high that most of the world ceased supporting the drug.
  • The favorable reimbursement of hospitals for promiscuously classifying patients as COVID sufferers.
  • The subrogation of America’s sovereignty to the World Health Organization, a Chinese-backed body whose Marxist leader declares himself the tie-breaking vote when his stacked panels vote nine to six.

Guest Speaker Dr. Robert Malone

Dr. Robert Malone is one of the original inventors of mRNA vaccinations. Dr. Malone holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies. He is the author of approximately 100 scientific publications with over 12,000 citations of his work. His new book is titled: Lies My Gov’t Told Me and the Better Future Coming. His articles are available on this substack pages.

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